Sustainability in action


We’re proud to share that the Cushman & Wakefield Czech retail team continued with our tradition and planted 450 new trees last week! For each deal we have closed with our valued clients throughout 2023 we have planted 3 new trees, that will cultivate a brighter, greener tomorrow.

By planting the mix of fir, oak and beech trees, we’re actively combating climate change, mitigating carbon emissions, and enhancing our environment. This initiative, done with a cooperation with Lesy hl. m. Prahy, not only underscores our dedication to environmental responsibility but also fosters a sense of unity within our team. Building on the success of this year’s endeavor and previous years, we’re excited to continue this tradition in the years to come.

Our sincere thanks to all our clients and partners for their continued partnership and support. Let’s work together to create a greener, healthier world for all of us.