Pařížská Street is the most expensive retail district in CEE, placing the Czech Republic on the 17th position worldwide and 10th in Europe in the comparison of countries based on prime rental value in their most expensive shopping district.
We are presenting the Main Streets Across the World 2022 ranking that compares 47 countries worldwide. The Czech Republic is newly represented by Pařížská Street which has replaced Na Příkopy, formerly the most expensive retail location in the country.
Among other most expensive retail districts worldwide, Pařížská placed 17th (in the last issue of 2019, Na Příkopě placed 18th), in the CEE region it comes first. The prime rental value compared in the report is EUR 2,719 per sq m per year in Pařížská, ie. EUR 227 per sq m per month.
Read our global Main Streets Across the World report tracking 92 cities at: Main Streets Across the World